Papua New Guinea Photos 1972 (Madang)(this page created 5/23/08)
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Quick Explanation: in 1972 my family lived in Papua New Guinea. These are some of the old slides from that time scanned in for safe keeping. Click on any picture for the VERY LARGE original. The comments around the pictures are gleaned from an old notebook of my Dad's hand written notes plus hand-written comments on the borders of the slides. Click here to go to the top level of all these pictures.
We lived in Goroka, but we went on vacation to Madang twice. Madang is a small town on the north coast of Papua New Guinea and is very pretty. It was the very first place I ever "snorkeled" and it was very beautiful clear blue water over scenic coral. In the years since we left Madang has become a scuba diving mecca because of the quality of diving there.
"T.C. Island Brian and Randy on rocks" - Brian (me) on the left, and my brother Randy to the right. I'm not sure what the "T.C." stand for in the notes. UPDATE 1/3/2015 - MYSTERY SOLVED!! The "T.C." stands for "Teacher's College". Simon Morgan wrote to me: "what “T.C.” stands for - it stands for "Teachers College” - Gosem Island was leased to the Madang Teachers College - my father was principal in 1974". Thanks Simon!! Simon found this link.
"Madang Flowers".
"Cattle under coconuts" - some cattle wandering around under the coconut trees in Madang (a coastal area in Papua New Guinea).
"Boy scouts in Madang".
"T.C. Island trip on the way out".
"Student on the madang beach." - The woman below is carrying a ruler and some school books.
"Siar Island owner and cabin". I think this is a map pointing out Siar Island. But I'm not completely sure. I'm not sure if the picture below was taken on Siar Island or if that's just the owner of the Island.
Here is the exact picture from above, but I tweaked up the lighting on the picture digitally to try to bring out the owner's features. Not sure it worked worth including, but what the heck. :-)
Madang cabins and shelter. I'm not sure which hotel or resort this was at?
"Cabins and pig."
Brian (me) on the left digging in sand in Madang Lagoon while my mother Virginia on the right watches.
Howard (my dad) and Brian (me) wearing the "floaties" (little yellow inflatable arm bands to keep me afloat).
"M Davis with Randy on outrigger". The Davis family lived across the street from us in Goroka, and went on vacation with us to Madang. That's probably me sitting in the bow of the outrigger wearing my yellow floaties.
Randy, Brian, Howard, Virginia, and Cheryl snorkeling in Madang, Papua New Guinea.
"Group under trees" on a small beach in Madang.
"Wingfields and Davis family". There are other pictures in this album of the Wingfield family and the Davis family.
"Hot under trees with beach" - playing in the surf at Madang in 1972.
"Delivery Scow" - A woman named Cassie Fox contacted me in 2009 and wrote, "I thought you might like to know my father Lionel Fox built that [twin-hulled] boat, it's name was Jayanne and it took tourists out for day trips, usually Siar or Kranket." Neat!
"Randy Brian Wewak Bay Village" - not sure if this picture belongs in this set or not. Wewak is a different vacation spot than Madang, this picture may or may not be of the Madang coast. That looks like me (Brian) on the left and Randy on the right.
"Smuggler's Inn Terrace". The Smuggler's Inn at Madang was where we stayed in 1972. It was quite nice back then, and even building a new hotel, but has become run down by recent reports (last heard about it in 2008). Smuggler's Inn was built in the early 1950s. The Inn is along "Modilon Road" right on the beach.
Madang Smuggler's Inn pool in 1972. I learned to swim in this pool. The Smuggler's Inn pool is in the shape of a Sea Horse.
Another picture of the kids playing in the Madang Smuggler's Inn pool.
"Madang Smuggler's Inn Resort Sea Horse Shaped Swimming Pool" - below is a picture from 1972 in Papua New Guinea.
Another Smuggler's Inn swimming pool picture.
And again. The lighting on this picture was too light, so I darkened it which causes it to look funny.
That's my brother Randy looking at the camera, and my sister Cheryl wearing the snorkel in the swimming pool.
"Our kids in the Smuggler's Inn Pool". The kids would be Randy, Cheryl, and Brian, not sure who the other kids are in the picture below.
While we were there in Madang (in 1972) the Smuggler's Inn was building a new wing. Below it is pictured under construction.
Another picture of the new wing of Smuggler's Inn under construction.
Part of the new wing of the Madang Smuggler's Inn were these hand-carved pillars.
The hand-carved pillars have sea shells for eyes and an alligator walking up the side of the pillar.
"T.C. Island Swimming" - I wish I knew what the "T.C." stood for.
"T.C. Scow"
Below is a picture of some children swimming on a beach in Madang, Papua New Guinea, sometime around 1972.
End of this group! Click here to go to the top level of all these pictures.