Europe Hotels
Hotel Info:
These are the dates of the trip, and the hotels and contact info
we stayed in our Motorcycle trip:
8/25/06 - Friday - Depart San Francisco at 11:55am, arrive in Zurich,
Switzerland the next day (8/26/06 at 10:55am).
8/26/06 - Saturday - Mövenpick Hotel,
Zentrum, 8105 Zurich-Regensdorf, Switzerland, Tele: (41) - 448 715 109.
8/27/06 - Sunday - Mövenpick Hotel, Zentrum,
8105 Zurich-Regensdorf, Switzerland, Tele: (41) - 448 715 109.
8/28/06 - Monday - Mövenpick Hotel, Zentrum,
8105 Zurich-Regensdorf, Switzerland, Tele: (41) - 448 715 109.
8/29/06 - Tuesday - Hotel les Remparts, 4 rue de la Flieh, 68240 Kaysersberg,
France, Tele: (33) - 389 471 212.
8/30/06 - Wednesday - Hotel Taillard, 3 rte Corniche, 25470 Goumois, France,
Tele: (33) - 381 442 075.
8/31/06 - Thursday - Hotel Le Lac, 74290 Talloires, France, Tele: (33) - 450 607
9/1/06 - Friday -Hotel Le Lac, 74290 Talloires, France, Tele: (33) - 450 607
9/2/06 - Saturday - Hotel Les Barnières,
05600 Guillestre, France, Tele: (33) - 492 450 487.
9/3/06 - Sunday - Hotel Les Barnières, 05600
Guillestre, France, Tele: (33) - 492 450 487.
9/4/06 - Monday - Grand Hotel de Valloire, 73450 Valloire, France, Tele: (33) -
479 590 095.
9/5/06 - Tuesday - Hotel Miramonti, 31, avenue Cavagnet, I-11012 Cogne, Italy,
Tele: (390) - 165 740 307 4017.
9/6/06 - Wednesday - Grand Hotel Majestic, Via Vittorio Veneto, 32, 28048
Verbania Pallanza, Italy, Tele: (390) - 323 504 305.
9/7/06 - Thursday - Grand Hotel Majestic, Via Vittorio Veneto, 32, 28048
Verbania Pallanza, Italy, Tele: (390) - 323 504 305.
9/8/06 - Friday - Hotel Alpenrose, Rosengrasse 4-6,A-6800 Feldkirch, Austria,
Tele: (43) - 552 272 175.
9/9/06 - Saturday - Hotel Mühlback,
Heinrich-Nicolaus-Strasse, 19, 82140 Olching, Germany, Tele: (49) - 814 228 20.
9/10/06 - Sunday - Depart MUC (Munich) airport at 12:50pm and arrive into
Amsterdam (AMS) at 6:05pm. Stay in: Hotel Manofa, Damrak 46-48, Amsterdam,
9/11/06 - Monday - Hotel Manofa, Damrak 46-48, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
9/12/06 - Tuesday - Hotel Manofa, Damrak 46-48, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
9/13/06 - Wednesday - Fly Home, depart Amsterdam at 12:25pm, arrive San
Francisco at 7:34pm.
GPS Map Files for all the Hotels
Click to
download a Zip file containing all the locations of the hotels on GPS. The
zip contains two redundant forms, I include both because you might be able to
read one and not the other. One is a standard "MPS" GPS file, the other is
a newer "GDB" GPS file which I think is Garmin GPS specific. I use the
software "MapSource" with the "European City Navigator 8" map set to read
these most accurately.
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